Meet the Exago Innovation Guru prize-winners

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The challenge was set, the votes counted and the champions announced. And now, Exago has delivered the prizes to the Innovation Guru Award winners of 2017. We were proud to present the trophies to Via Varejo, Ageas and CTT, the three clients who especially stood out for their solid focus and resilience to innovate over the past year.

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The 7 (+1) things you have to do to succeed as an Innovation Director

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As companies fight to stay ahead of the innovation curve, the role of the Innovation Director is developing and growing in significance. Some have trained in the field with a high degree of specialisation, while others have fallen into the position from other areas and have moulded themselves to become the innovation leader of their company. Regardless, their goal is the same: to help propel and direct innovation within their organisation.

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How Human Resource leaders make the most of innovation management

With innovation management capturing rising interest from human resource managers and directors, Exago’s team took part in the Expo’RH2018 in Estoril, Portugal, to discuss the latest news and trends in the sector. The event organised by the International Faculty for Executives gathered hundreds of HR directors from leading companies such as Nestlé, Ageas, Pfizer, Renova and McDonald’s, under the motto “Experience is the way”, on March 14 and 15.

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