Exago beyond bits and bytes – WIN World interviews our CEO
How exactly can Exago activate a company’s collective intelligence? Talking to WIN World, our CEO Diana Neves de Carvalho explains how Exago’s innovation management software collects ideas from the employees and stakeholders of any organisation and from outside its frontiers and how our software then focuses this community knowledge on key business challenges.
Never forget your most valuable innovation asset
When targeting participants for your open innovation programme, consider suppliers, customers and universities. Yet, don’t forget your most valuable asset.
Where in the world is the audience for your open innovation programme?
As we’ve seen before, you’ll have to create audience-centric content to capture your open innovation audience. But, you should consider to locate suitable community places, as well as aligning your communication messages with your targets, places, channels and value pools. Your communication plan needs to include key timing, targets, formats and messages – to meet programme objectives.
Fighting for your audience? Take on the right incentives
Your customers will always be glad to share with you insights on how to improve your product. They’re probably doing it now in some way, though irregularly and outside any structured framework.
Last, but not the least, Idea Market 3.5 smooths managers work
Finally, to smooth platform managers’ work, Exago’s 3.5 innovation management software release comes with refurbished back office status, phases and workflow pages, as well as upgrading monitoring tools.