How exactly do we gamify innovation?

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Exago’s model applies game design techniques and covers most game elements we’ve identified quests (challenges), points, avatars, badges (opinion leader, etc.) and social interaction with the sharing of knowledge and information. It also promotes collaboration (co-creation, commenting and peer evaluation) and competition (the best ideas are chosen by the crowd) – including a system to reinforce a sense of progression and levelling up among participants.

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Gamifying innovation: all can play, all can win

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One of the recurring preconceptions to overcome in any innovation management effort is that only experts are able to innovate. In a sense, it’s someone else’s job, not mine. This makes it difficult to bring people into the process and keep them motivated throughout the journey.

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TIP: You’re not Google or Facebook, are you?

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For 2015, forget about inspirational success stories of companies that schedule and internalise innovation time – such as Google with its 20 Percent Time policy (one day each week for all employees to devote to personal innovative projects), 3M with its 15 Percent Time, Apple with its Blue Sky project and Facebook with innovation Hackathons.

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