Can social distancing optimise innovation in a 21st-century pandemic?

At such a difficult time for everyone, it is not yet clear what the real impacts of the pandemic will be on economies, companies and individuals. What is clear is that it is crucial to find ways to mitigate these impacts, and social distancing and remote work can actually enable us to create innovative solutions, in business and in life.

Serial innovation: the secret behind the most innovative companies

It goes without saying that a company’s ability to innovate is tied to its performance. But what does it take to outperform in the long term? This is the question set out in the Boston Consulting Group’s latest report, which ranks the world’s most innovative companies in 2020.

Why new product development fails and how innovation management can help

Product and brand failures occur on an ongoing basis, to varying degrees. They are part of the process of learning and growing. Innovation management can help organisations coordinate amongst themselves to eliminate challenges and maintain a transparent, company-wide innovation system.

The 7 stages of NPD and how to effectively manage product innovation

The process of developing a new product  – whether it is a tangible, physical good or intangible, like a service, experience or belief – requires a systematic method to launch and commercialise it. NPD typically comprises 7 stages, from the initial idea through to its introduction on the market, and can be aligned with good idea management practices.

Why your organisation should be applying innovation management to new product development

The pressure on businesses today is intense. To remain competitive, or even relevant, organisations must have the ability to innovate and to test, fail and succeed quicker in developing a new offering and new features. New product development can provide companies with fresh opportunities and has become increasingly crucial in the modern-day business battleground.

The surprising building block for innovating in the digital age

What if we could get our people and partners to work and innovate together as one global team towards digital transformation? And to do it seamlessly across functions, regions and job titles? The recent Arthur D. Little report found that one of the most fundamental pillars for digital transformation lies, perhaps unexpectedly, in people’s collective intelligence.
