I’ve introduced my Daily Innovation Model, built to help companies see innovation as a daily function of their job. To start using it, you should first understand where you are exactly.
“Innovation is not for us”, they say
If I had a dollar for every time that someone said that to me, I wouldn’t need to work another day in my life. As someone who is trying to get corporations in Pakistan to understand the value of innovation, this declaration is extremely frustrating.
Five key dimensions for building your innovation challenges
In the process of setting objectives for your business goals, you should always think SMART – as management guru Peter Drucker applies this expression.
Our Innovation Gurus are the best
Fleury Group, Altice Portugal and Liberty Seguros have been awarded the 2016 Exago Innovation Gurus Awards for their innovation, resilience and creativity. The winning teams of the initiative’s first edition have received and celebrated their trophies.
Why innovation drives engagement among Generations Y and Z
If given the choice, one in four Millennials would now leave their current employer to join a new organisation or do something different.
Exago’s partner is the exclusive user of GSV acceleration methods in Brazil
Kyvo Design – Driven Innovation, an Exago consulting partner, is now the representative of Global Silicon Valley labs (GSVlabs) in Brazil.