For step 2 in cost-cutting within your innovation agenda, you will need this

A cost-cutting initiative within your innovation agenda needs to be run as a strategic initiative with the same board sponsorship, direction and accountability as any other critical initiative. It is important to ensure central governance, senior management agreement and employees’ engagement.

Six best innovation practices to engage Millennials and Gen Zers

All businesses are created first by ideas. Then, once you are in business, you need new thinking for design, engineering, radical improvement, manufacturing, marketing, advertising, problem-solving, customer retention, etc. Often the difference between success or failure in business is a simple idea.

How innovation can help you conquer the new generations

A Gallup report shows that US companies lose $350 billion in revenue every year due to employees’ disengagement. In fact, 70 per cent of your employees are probably disengaged.  Yet full participation is an emotional commitment that cannot be forced. With the Millennials and Generation Z joining the workplace, the challenge rises: no longer can we believe that it is enough for a company to provide the work, and that an employee’s motivation will come naturally.

Putting the Daily Innovation Model together

We’ve seen how you can locate your position in the Daily Innovation Model, built to help companies see innovation as a daily function of their job. When we place the continua on two axes – incremental to radical and process to product

Is gamification the way forward?

Exago’s team participated in Gamify 2017, an event gathering specialists to discuss the latest practices and the power and value of gamification for people, brands and organisations.

Getting started with the Daily Innovation Model

I’ve introduced my Daily Innovation Model, built to help companies see innovation as a daily function of their job. To start using it, you should first understand where you are exactly.

“Innovation is not for us”, they say

If I had a dollar for every time that someone said that to me, I wouldn’t need to work another day in my life. As someone who is trying to get corporations in Pakistan to understand the value of innovation, this declaration is extremely frustrating.
