6 steps to ignite exponential business growth

Taking on board the attributes of Exponential Organisations (ExOs) and investing in becoming truly exponential is challenging, but it is within the reach of most companies today. These 6 steps can help you transform your organisation and accelerate business growth.

Exago named one of the 10 Most Creative Gamification Solution Providers of 2018

Exago is proud to be distinguished as one of “The 10 Most Creative Gamification Solution Providers 2018” by Insights Success. The magazine highlights how the Exago gamified innovation platform solves business challenges by creating a collaborative and innovative culture, while rewarding and recognising participants.

How to mobilise the right audiences for innovation challenges

When putting your innovation challenges together, make sure you have a complete plan with clearly defined, targeted audiences, across cultures and business units, as well as key messages, frequency expectations, a communication and incentives strategy.

Gamifying innovation: stay ahead of the game

Exago’s model proves that gamification can successfully be applied to innovation, as we have seen these last few weeks. As a result, the ideation process becomes highly engaging, highly efficient and sustainable over time.

How exactly do we gamify innovation?

Exago’s model applies game design techniques and covers most game elements we’ve identified quests (challenges), points, avatars, badges (opinion leader, etc.) and social interaction with the sharing of knowledge and information. It also promotes collaboration (co-creation, commenting and peer evaluation) and competition (the best ideas are chosen by the crowd) – including a system to reinforce a sense of progression and levelling up among participants.
