Visa and Exago’s partner launch programme to accelerate Brazilian fintechs

Visa and Kyvo Design-Driven Innovation, an Exago consulting partner, are looking for Brazilian financial technology start-ups to participate in Track, their new business acceleration programme. Five will be chosen for the six-month programme, split between São Paulo and Silicon Valley in the US. Applications are open until 31 March.

Both Visa and Kyvo will support the selected candidates in defining their business models and in developing designs, products, services and marketing tools and strategies. Each start-up can obtain financing of up to R$ 235k (over €70k) in technologies, while also having access to Global Silicon Valley labs’ (GSVlabs) exclusive strategies and methodologies and its network of 170 mentors.

Kyvo has recently become a representative of GSVlabs, the powerful innovation ecosystem platform, and the exclusive user of its acceleration methods in Brazil – completing a full circle with the partnership developed with Exago, which is more closely focused on idea selection and building.

Kyvo Design-Driven Innovation is an innovation consultancy that employs service design to improve clients’ experiences of services and digital products. Kyvo has created 3D, a 3-step design process that employs different visual tools to deliver a great experience and relevant results to clients, fully complementing Exago’s innovation management solution.

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