TIP: How to measure idea management intangible returns

Arthur D. Little’s 2013 Innovation Excellence Survey found a correlation between capability in innovation measurement and success. Yet less than 20% of companies believe they have a good idea management measurement capability. If you run a search on the web, you find many different approaches and models to do it … however you might be neglecting much of the real value of your initiative if you look only for tangible outcomes.

Cross-border innovation initiatives: 10 best practices

‘To make your idea management initiatives thrive across countries, you need high levels of engagement, as well as process efficiency to manage this engagement and its outputs’, said Pedro do Carmo Costa. Exago’s director spoke at the Innovation Management.se Channel One Roundtable Discussion, sharing field-tested best practices to ensure international companies succeed in their innovation efforts.

Back to basics: Define appropriate goals

In previous posts, we’ve made the case for purpose-led innovation. However, it’s also true that, in some cases, the ‘job to be done’ can entail ‘softer’ ambitions, namely, creating an innovation culture and embedding an innovation capability.

Back to basics: Why are we doing this, really?

Behind, they have left the familiar territory of ‘quality’, that delivered almost guaranteed (yet limited) improvements. Ahead, ‘innovation’ offers an exciting journey, where you can’t see the end from the beginning. But this demands a leap of faith. And, as we know, matters requiring faith tend to stay at the door of the boardroom.

Fast and low-cost experiments reduce new concepts’ risk

How can you reduce the risk associated with bringing new or unfamiliar company or industry concepts to market? ‘Disciplined experimentation and agile commercialisation is the best way to do it’, says Peter Skarzynski.

How would it work out for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but the formula works by unleashing people’s hidden potential to deliver tangible outcomes. There is nothing magical about it. It is born out of learning, experimentation, practise and sustained effort – as most problem solving is.

What role is left to managers today?

Even today, Charlie Chaplin’s ‘Little Tramp’ feeding a giant machine on an accelerating assembly line remains the classic image of a savage and industrialised world. Modern Times exposed the obsession of early twentieth century Taylorists and ‘scientific managers’ with achieving maximum efficiency in the […]
